
A form of psychological therapy in which personal creativity and imagination is utilised to explore experiences. Person centred and existential Dramatherapy is an ancient change method with evidence of success across a wide range of symptoms. Some of the techniques used are role play, mask making, visualisation, storytelling, family constellations, dream reworking, chair work, mask making and improvisation.

Environmental Art Therapy

A therapeutic method designed by Ian Siddons-Heginworth. E.A.T merges ecopsychology with dramatherapy. It takes the healing process outside and works within the physical boundaries of the environment, using seasonal myth and ritual.

High Intensity CBT


A collaborative, goal-orientated, talking therapy, that requires commitment and experimentation. Techniques used involve recognising unhelpful thinking styles, questioning and restructuring these cognitions, exploring core beliefs, discovering safety behaviours and how they contribute to the distress cycle. CBT is recommended by NICE as the first step in helping a person escape the cycle of anxiety and depression. It is also shown to be successful in the treatment of phobias and OCD.